Workshops and education

Do you prefer to do things your way and have them under control? At Walidate, we are convinced that each of our clients has the potential to carry out the basic validation of the idea himself, or with the help of his team and company. Expand your knowledge and skills with us, that will help you grow your business.

Our specialist is actively involved in the work of your team or the creation of a product or service. Informally educates and trains. It will help you set up processes, revive the right tools and methods that will anchor you at the right pace of growth and experimentation.

Are you interested in non-formal education and training with one of our professional consultants? Meet people who test the potential of business ideas. Let us know by filling out the form below and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

    In case you have any other questions write to us at or call us
    at +421 905 795 715 (Rado).